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Escolha uma das músicas para fazer parte do cd - "Qual é a música?" Ano 2 - Parte 1

Velocity Girl - "Sorry Again"
0.97% (1 voto)
Blue October - "Calling You"
0.97% (1 voto)
The Spinanes - "Reach V. Speed"
1.94% (2 votos)
The Bens - "Bruised"
0.97% (1 voto)
Treble Charger - "Don't Believe it All"
0.97% (1 voto)
Radiohead - "Paranoid Android"
6.80% (7 votos)
Longwave - "Best Kept Secret"
4.85% (5 votos)
JJ72 - "Long Way South"
3.88% (4 votos)
The Decemberists - "Here I Dreamt I was an Architect"
4.85% (5 votos)
Grandaddy - "Now It's On"
0.97% (1 voto)
Interpol - "PDA"
11.65% (12 votos)
The Pixies - "This Monkey Has Gone to Haven"
2.91% (3 votos)
Ladytron - "Playgirl"
6.80% (7 votos)
The Jam - "A Town Called Malice"
(nenhum voto)
Superchunk - "Hyper Enough"
0.97% (1 voto)
Radiohead - "Scatterbrain"
4.85% (5 votos)
Placebo - "The Bitter End"
7.77% (8 votos)
Garage Fuzz - "Embedded Needs"
0.97% (1 voto)
Mull Historical Society - "Mull Historical Society"
0.97% (1 voto)
Liars - "Mr. You're On Fire Mr."
1.94% (2 votos)
Hot Hot Heat - "Bandages"
6.80% (7 votos)
Tiger Trap - "You and Me"
(nenhum voto)
The Postal Service - "Sleeping In"
2.91% (3 votos)
The Walkmen - "Everyone Who Pretended to Like Me Is Gone"
2.91% (3 votos)
Blue October - "Sweet and Somber Pingeon Wings"
4.85% (5 votos)
Interpol - "Obstacle 1"
3.88% (4 votos)
Placebo - "Slave to the Wage"
1.94% (2 votos)
Coldplay - "The Scientist"
5.83% (6 votos)
Wilco - "Jesus Etc"
1.94% (2 votos)
The Used - "Taste of Ink"
2.91% (3 votos)
Total: 103 votos

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